guilty pleasures no. 46

guilty pleasures no. 46.

another guilty pleasures post… but this time, i also got a very interesting (and lengthy) comment. i find it interesting how people can misinterpret one’s life from one single blog post.

the post itself is really just about how i love traditional journals. but with that love, comes my desire to do more traveling. the comment basically was telling me to get off my ass and live my dream – make my dreams come true!

in theory, i do agree that we should try to make our dreams come true. life is too short – why not make the most of it? but as a parent, i also am inclined to think that there’s a time and place for certain dreams – now, for me, is not that time. and more importantly, i already am living my ultimate dream right now…

read the post and the comments. and if you wish, tell me what you think when it comes to chasing one’s dreams. especially if you are also raising children in the early stages of their lives.

read on…

2 thoughts on “guilty pleasures no. 46

  1. Not misinterpretation, just my interpretation …just trying to help you along if you needed it. I never said I knew anything about your life …not even sure if your a man or a woman. It actually sounded like you were happy, a mother with a daughter, but what I wrote is what I thought …just by reading the post and nothing else.

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